Friday, September 22, 2006
With the GOOD, comes the BAD
These days, communication technology advances so fast that as soon as we think we have the latest gadget, something new comes out. This fast advancement gives many the joy of excitement. As an example, the PSP was one of the coolest console back two years ago, but today more than 50% of the population has it. In turn, more and more people begin to get into portable video games.
The good side of this is one can be entertained with himself/herself wherever he travels. As an example, you can be on a school field trip and still play games as other people stare at the window. PSP gives you the ability to play at any place and at any time. Still, technology has its "bad" side too.
Even though games are fun, they can often be addicting. If you didn't skip your phy ed class, you should have learned about drug addiction in September. Once you start playing a game, it's like a drug addiction where you will not be able to put down the game until you finish it. Sometimes, you may even pursue more games, which will waste a lot of precious time. Another fact is that as you spend more and more time on games, you will have less and less time to do your homework. Your health is also at risk because games can make you miss the opportunity to play sports. You will get eye strains from always gazing at the small screen. and maybe even gain weight as you sit around all day long.
Cellphone is another great technology of the modern century. It allows instant communication with people around the globe. Yet, it has its "bad" side too. Scientists now think the antenna in cellphones are dangerous because it emits a powerful signal into your ears. Also, cellphones can be a very distrcting device when you want privacy.
Overall, technology is great if we can use it to our advantage. But sometimes, we may get controlled by it rather than we controlling it. Be very aware!
Overall, technology is great if we can use it to our advantage. But sometimes, we may get controlled by it rather than we controlling it. Be very aware!